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5 paragraph essay athens

Athens the think tanks Athens is a home for many scientists and scientific ideas. They had great wit for arts, literature and architecture. Athens Vs. How Do We Know? First Technologies: Fire and Tools 3. Its strict militaristic mentality was the backbone of its well-run city which was unlike the city of ancient Athens. The differences between Athens and Sparta eventually led to war between the two city-states. Open Document. Bow Tie Guy and Wife. Finally, Alexander was a great leader because of the respect he showed not only his troops, but also his people. Unlike the government of Athens the government of Sparta flourished as an aristocracy. Worried that the new shores of his empire could be threatened, or used by Egypt and Phonecia and a way to supply Persia, Alexander then decided to occupy the Tyrian coast and eventually Egypt. Defend your opinion by focussing on one of several suggested themes. Rocky Road is yet another great flavor.

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The Athenian women were very literate and educated. Athens Continue Reading. See All Resource Types.
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There is a consensus among the authors that the ideal Athenian is male and his work is outside the home. World History. See All Resource Types. In order to protect these new territories, Alexander expanded north until his empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea.
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It cools me off on hot days. Another time, it was so hot, we got cool just standing around the ice cream truck and enjoying the cool breeze that came from the refrigerant. Popular paid resources. Just as these Olympic swimmers will gain a medal for placing, ancient Athens had numerous accomplishments of its own.
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The differences between Athens and Sparta eventually led to war between the two city-states. Second, Greece's mountainous terrain led to the development of the polis city-state , beginning about B. Students are required to use the provided documents to support their thesis as well as address the opposing view. Sign Up.
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He also proved himself to be a great military leader by amassing one of the largest empires in history, and by relating to his troops and listening to their opinions. Wish List. They also had a lot of freedom from their husbands because their husbands lived in barracks. He dismantled any threat to his kingdom from the bordering savages, killed 20, barbarians, and managed to only lose 9 infantry men in the process.

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