10 most overused words resume,10 Overused Resume Phrases Damaging Your Job Search
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10 most overused words resume

Are you tired of writing that you were "Responsible for," "Managed," or "Assisted with" some project on your resume? Only by using examples will employers be able to believe your statements. You can also find executive resume samples on our website to help you get started or to polish up your old resume. Thought Leadership This phrase is very broad and unclear. Use this word to show your initiative and your teamwork. Creative A headshot. The point is, most of these are such blanket statements they fail to substantiate your value to potential employers. Browse articles by However, if resume writing is too time-consuming or simply not something you want to tackle as part of your job search, you might be considering using executive resume writing services. Avoid the temptation to add fluff Strategic.

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This week, publisher Penguin announced it was dropping this as a requirement from its job applications. A resume objective is usually better replaced by a career summary describing your background, achievements and what you have to offer an employer. Under Budget While companies want to know you will help them make money, they also want to know you'll help them save money. Here are 10 cliches Sweeney and Stetson see job seekers overuse on their resumes and how to rephrase each one into a strong example of your talent.
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Synergy Synergy might sound like a trendy term, but hiring managers often find it vague. In other words, employers look for keywords as a way to narrow the applicants down the 10 or 20 most-qualified candidates. Cover up with these Houston-themed face masks. Don't bother including this phrase or a list of your references.
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These are soft skills that most every job requires you have to some degree in order to be successful. General phrases of self-promotion.
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Find Nicola Malcolm on:. Skip Navigation. This term is often described by hiring managers as one of the most irritating terms they see on a resume.
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Let Kathy rephrase that: Led diverse, cross-functional teams in the fulfillment of corporate productivity, quality and bottom-line objectives. By commenting, you agree to Monster's privacy policy , terms of use and use of cookies. The exact skill set? Career Paths. Get Make It newsletters delivered to your inbox.

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