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1 robin macwizard did 2 he decided to write a diary

Aerospace amp defense forum paraphrasing examples poetry book cover creator topics for presentation for work business examples centre gcse edexcel writing Creative. Before we landed, I decided to show the poem to William Bradford. Even the people who are not ill yet are getting weaker. The Indians are not far away, but we hope they won't leave their warm wigwams until spring. Here is the beginning:. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked. Home Creative writing centre gcse examples edexcel marketing management project for mba jobs. Forgive me for this, but now the destiny of the treasure and the whole New World is in your hands. And now I'll have to say good luck and goodbye. Who wrote the diary? Survey design research study online college. We wanted to trust Samoset, but we were also scared of him.

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Squanto had told me the truth: the future of the New World lay in my hands. What was the name of the ship?
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There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely.
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The Saints call the other passengers "strangers". We hoped so much that there wouldn't be any more deaths. I can't even predict the future, but The Indians are not far away, but we hope they won't leave their warm wigwams until spring. But I didn't find any graves for my children, so I still hope that they're alive and well.
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The conditions on the ship are very bad and more people are getting ill and could die. Why not? The Mayflower finally left for England. He walked up to us, then he smiled and said "welcome".

1 robin macwizard did 2 he decided to write a diary:

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