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Check out BibMe. This is usually a person but may be a group or organization. Periodical Article Journal, Magazine, Newspaper. To determine the exact APA citation format for your full citations, scroll down to the section titled, "Common Examples. Pulp Fiction, , Included on this page are seven items:. Sayre, R. Improper usage of adverb? Provide a brief generic description of the image, artwork, or object. Buck needed to adjust rather quickly upon his arrival in Canada. Cell Studies. Enchanting landscapes beneath the parks. Notice that the article's title is only capitalized at the beginning. Received by Last: , First: Middle or Initial:. You can follow the style guide for personal communication available in the Interview section.

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If the citation has been referenced immediately prior, the note may be shortened even further to ibid with the page number. There is a certain format or structure for books, a different one for journal articles, a different one for websites, and so on.
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List the person or group primarily responsible for writing the article.

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