10 most overused resume phrases,5 Overused Resume Phrases
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10 most overused resume phrases

Here are 10 cliches Sweeney and Stetson see job seekers overuse on their resumes and how to rephrase each one into a strong example of your talent. Best government agencies to work for. They may also be referred to as an "executive recruiter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Career Advice. There is no one else on this planet just like you. The easier you make it for a recruiter to hire you, the more likely you will be hired. If possible, state the number of people you trained or mentored. These are soft skills that most every job requires you have to some degree in order to be successful. Achievement statements, which indicate your career successes, are an essential part of your resume. Rather than using this word to describe yourself, think about what you really mean. That's not to say you should be relentlessly upbeat and appear one-dimensional. This word describes a personality trait rather than the skills you can bring to the workplace. In other words, employers look for keywords as a way to narrow the applicants down the 10 or 20 most-qualified candidates.

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This is pretty broad for a tip, so in this article I want to focus on one aspect of choosing your words carefully: avoiding words that are overused. Best of Breed This term is often described by hiring managers as one of the most irritating terms they see on a resume. Mark Kolakowski is a business consultant, freelance writer, and business school lecturer. Employers are more interested in your previous accomplishments. Influenced Employers want job candidates who are capable of encouraging and persuading others for the good of the company.
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Being an expert in your chosen field has a specific meaning. Just don't set yourself up to fail from the off. You do not want to appear vague in your resume.
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In your work summary, mention a project or achievement that you developed yourself or that you volunteered to do. They hire experienced doers. Proactively "Proactively" is one of the most often used and most meaningless resume adverbs, and it's used in front of many equally meaningless verbs such as communicated, co-ordinated and organized.
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Your best resume should be kept updated if there is any chance that you might apply for another job. Let me tell you something: YOU are an exceptional individual. Leave Comments Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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