3 page essay on world war 1 with footnotes,SparkNotes: World War I (–): Brief Overview
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3 page essay on world war 1 with footnotes

Archived from the original on 4 June Lawrence forged the Iyasu photo. American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. In the Middle East, Arab nationalism soared in Ottoman territories in response to the rise of Turkish nationalism during the war, with Arab nationalist leaders advocating the creation of a pan-Arab state. Wilson asked Congress on April 1 to authorize a declaration of war against Germany, which it did four days later. Main article: Conscription in Australia. Pearson Education. British National Archives. In fact, Entenmann points out, Hirohito's response is unknown, and Chang may be guilty here of "confus[ing] Japanese leaders' delight in the fall of the Chinese capital with exulting in the massacre that occurred afterward" Entenmann. From the Central Powers about 3. Featured Search the People of the House. Britain turned to her colonies for help in obtaining essential war materials whose supply from traditional sources had become difficult.

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The large number of head wounds caused by exploding shells and fragmentation forced the combatant nations to develop the modern steel helmet, led by the French, who introduced the Adrian helmet in
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After intense negotiations and an armed confrontation in Athens between Allied and royalist forces an incident known as Noemvriana , the King of Greece resigned and his second son Alexander took his place; Greece officially joined the war on the side of the Allies in June Douglas Haig and the First World War ed.
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New York: Grove Press. Under its terms, the Allied forces left Constantinople on 23 August During the last week of October, declarations of independence were made in Budapest, Prague, and Zagreb.
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Click here to read about some of the costliest battles of the First World War. Types of Sources. Arguably the most profound effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of the multi-decade mass movement of black, southern rural farm laborers northward and westward to cities in search of higher wages in industrial jobs and better social and political opportunities.
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A Companion to World War I.

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