3 paragraph essay on islam,The Birth of Islam | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
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3 paragraph essay on islam

Grigory Gagarin. A survey of Christian-Muslim relations. He taught that there was no other God but Allah and that Muslims should devote their lives to this God. These are five duties that every Muslim is obliged to perform. On this page Page options Print this page. Unlike the biblical Yahweh sometimes misread as Jehovah , he has no personal name, and his traditional 99 names are really epithets. Muhammad pbuh proclaimed that the Quran was the last Book of God, and that he himself was the last Prophet. In the center of the mosque in Mecca, is the cube-shaped building called a Kaaba Ka'bah is found. It is also a recognition that multicultural and multi-religious societies thrive on unity and not divisiveness. All Muslims face the direction of the Kaaba during ritual prayer Salat. Muslims believe in only one god, those who practice Hinduism believe in multiple gods that are actually different aspects of one god, Buddhists believe that others have the ability to become perfect buddhists, Confucians believe humanity can be perfected through education of the way they should relate to others and the world around them, and Daoism focuses more on the way Continue Reading. Both peace and violence can equally find their justification in the Muslim, Christian and Jewish idea of God. That Allah has already decided what will happen.

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