12 angry men juror #9 essay,Nine Character Analysis in Twelve Angry Men | LitCharts
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12 angry men juror #9 essay

Juror 3 takes the knife and pretends to be 5'7. That's his right. He thinks that the testimony about the argument that the boy had with his father is compelling evidence. Seven: So what are you gonna do about it? He says that the stab wound in the dead man was a downward wound. Juror 7 in 12 Angry Men: Character Analysis. Just kidding. By the end of the movie, Juror 3 is the last man holding out for a Guilty verdict. Be the first to like this. But one of the other jurors brings up the fact that the woman wore glasses and wouldn't have had time to put them on before looking out her window. This is one of the nicer moments in the movie; it reminds us that some people are still decent enough to give respect to old people who've worked hard their whole lives and now need respect for their age and wisdom. Juror 2 asks to see the knife again. When he realizes that the room is turning against him, Juror 3 decides that the rest of the men are weak for letting their versions of reality be swayed so easily. It might sound like Juror 9 is being cruel to the elderly witness who testified against the defendant. And this can make their version of reality really rigid.

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Cite This Page. Juror 12 is anxious for the trial to be over so that he also can get back to his career and his social life. Already have an account? Did you notice that?
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By the end of the movie, Juror 3 is the last man holding out for a Guilty verdict.
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Page Number and Citation : 25 Cite this Quote. Just checking in. Do people respect the wisdom of their elders? At this point, Juror 3 flips out again and says they should send the boy to the electric chair. At this point, Juror 7 comes out of nowhere and says he's changing his vote to "Not Guilty" just because he wants to go home.
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Scene 9 After the most recent vote, Juror 10 flips out again and says that the kid and all the others like him i.

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