2000 election essays,A National Popular Vote for President - FairVote
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2000 election essays

If the local court approved, the county canvassing board would conduct a partial manual count and if it found a problem that might change the results, it had to correct the problem. Extension Have students review the majority opinion and the dissenting opinions from the U. The election was an instance where the margin of error made a major difference in the final outcome. The United States is one of only a very few self-declared democracies in which the voting system itself—that is, the machinery and procedures used in the actual practice of election management—is not standardized across the nation [3]. Certainly, large population states like California and Texas do not shy away from statewide popular elections out of fear of running recounts. Podcast: America, Interrupted. The actual decision, though, does not come as easily as one would think. The successful resolution of every issue before us depends on the fundamental question of public integrity. His assessment was correct as, minutes before p. Small states tend to have clear partisan tilts that lead the candidates to decide that no amount of campaign activity in that state will affect the result in that state. The bottom line: When every vote counts the same, every vote matters.

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Ceaser, James, and Andrew E. Austin first articulated, encompassed in certian speech-acts that he called 'performative' are entire histories of compulsory behavior the examples he famously gives are the 'I do' solemnizing a wedding and the 'I christen' naming a ship then voting is an essentially performative civic-act. Demonstrators attempted, with some apparent success, to disrupt the recount in Miami. The November results would determine not only which party occupied the White House, but might also shift control of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Subject Organization.
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A stronger Gore effort to explain these differences and to bring those uncommitted citizens to the polls might have made the election result quite different. First, because prosperity had gone on so long, voters may have come to see it as "natural" and unrelated to the decisions and policies of elected politicians. On the other hand, voters gave little stress to Bush's greater "likability," a criterion of little relevance to government. Many oppose the Electoral College because of the fact that unknowing electors choose their leader and many support it because it was created by the founding fathers. FairVote is among a number of leaders and organizations that support both the National Popular Vote plan and a constitutional amendment providing for direct election of the president.
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If those numbers did not stand, the Herald reported, a more generous hypothetical revisited recount would have scored the White House for Gore — but with only a vote margin. Cynical citizens have given up on the election process, going to the polls at one of the lowest rates in the democratic world. Bush gave only fleeting attention to the previously divisive issue, promising no more than a ban on unpopular and rare late-term "partial birth" abortions.
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Political scientists, including election forecasters, tend to downplay presidential campaigns.

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